Saturday, January 1, 2011

Selamat Tahun Baru 2011

Tahun baru menjelma lagi, umurku makin meningkat, matiku makin hampir, amalanku pula, ntah cukup ntah tidak untuk dibawa bekalan menemuiNYA.

Tahun baru, orang akan cakap pasal azam tahun baru, elok la untuk beri kita target n get us motivated to do things daily. Everything we do must have an objective, is it right. Insyallah, tahun ni aku akan grade dari universiti tercinta ni, hopefully i could land a job before too long (i know it gonna be hard). Keep positve. Personally, I want to be a better person, I know we cannot make everybody happy, but I gonna try to make life better for other people. Sometimes, we need to sacrifice our self for other goods (its easy for me to say.. cube buat). But sometimes, we need to see the bigger picture on how we gonna to contribute to the ummah. I remember few years ago, when  I went to a motivation camp (dont remember exactly where) a word that still hangging in my mind " I MAKE A CHANGE IN THIS WORLD". Even a very small contribution you do in this world, it will give something in the end. Another words that I still keep in my mind "WHAT GOES AROUND COME AROUND, EVERYTHINGS THAT GONE UP, WILL COME DOWN". Life is like a roller-coaster, we the one that need to appericiate it.

Eh eh, asal aku cam berfalsafah lak nie, cakap pasal tahun baru je pon. OK la, semoga tahun baru ni membuka lembaran baru kepada kita untuk menjadi insan yang lebih berguna... Selamat Beramal.


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