Sunday, January 23, 2011

Worth Every Penny....

Its been a roller coaster ride for this team. Yes, this team, my favorite football team. Aston Villa football  club (diz one 4 BPL la). Why I love this team... Cannot be explain really, dont know how on earth I felt in love this team. Its kinda of weird actually for somebody living in this country to support a football club that did not have a global appeal such as Manchester United, Liver-fool, Ars-engal and Chel-C. The worst you could see people here would supported is Spurs or Newcastle. But no the Claret & Army (others name for Aston Villa FC)

Yeah, it is true, this team is one of the few team that have lift up the European Champion Cup in 1982, it long time before, I'm not even born at that time. Probably the best team in that generation. Currently, we place our self in the bottom half of the BPL table with about half of season have past by. It was not a good statistic comparing with the previous season when we are at the 6th place, in this time of season, last year. Yes, we in the session of rebuilding the team back after the shock resignation of the previous manager, Martin O Neil last summer. This time around, we have another good proven track record manager, a Frenchman, Gerrard Houllier.

Darren Bent (left) and Marc Albrighton celebrating after scoring against Manchester City
(pic credit to

Last week, Houllier smash up the club transfer record by the capture of former Sunderland marksman, Darren Bent for £24 million . His a striker with a very good goal scoring records. 32 goals in 58 Premier League appearance speak for it self of this player natural goal scoring ability. And last night, he paid the faith shown by the manager, by scoring in his debut against BPL title chaser, Manchester City. It still a long journey for our self to see where would we be at the end of the season, but with this encouraging result, we could probably stabilized our self in the top half of the table before too long and try to compete for a silverware...

p/s minggu nie dh stat ada midterm plak...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Kenapa Akal, bukan Ilmu....

Last week aku ada baca 1 artikel, yg kat dalam dia ada 1 quotes yg menarik. And the quotes also i share it on my FB wall.

"Tiap-tiap sesuatu, apabila terlalu banyak menjadi murah, melainkan akal. Bertambah banyak ia, bertambah tinggi harganya"

Saidina Ali B Abi Talib

pas aku baca quotes ni, then aku realise, y Khalifah Allah yg mahsyur ni ckp, melainkan AKAL... knape bukan ILMU. Ni membuatkan aku terfikir sejenak. Then, br aku realise, nape dia kate akal, bukan ilmu.

Akal, dikurniakan Allah S.W.T kpd manusia utk berfikir dgn menggunakan ilmu yg kt tuntut di atas muka bumi ini. Akal, hanya diberikan kpd manusia, dan tidak kpd haiwan. Jd, kpd manusia yg ada ilmu, tetapi tiada akal. Maka samalah bg mereka spt seekor haiwan, yg tidak mempunyai akal fikiran. 

Belakangan ini, kejadian buang bayi makin berleluasa, bayi yg tidak berdosa dibuang bgtu sj bagaikan sampah. Berita buang bayi ini dh jd mcm berita biase je, dh acap kali kluar suratkhabar maupun berita kat TV. Dh mcm2 komen dh org kat TV tu ks, seminar2, bengkel2 kesedaran, mcm2 lagi lah org bwt supaya org sedar akan masalah ni. Aku x mau la point finger kat sape2, ckp sape salah, sape btol. Cume nk kaitkan ngan quotes yg aku tulis kat atas ni je.

Aku percaya, org yg buang bayi ni bukan la org yg bodoh x pg sekolah, n aku pasti diorang ni paling kurang pon pg ar gak sekolah. Kire ilmu2 kat dunia ni diorang power la gak. Matematik, sains, geografi, sejarah.. etc, mmg diajar kat sekolah. Tp, apakan daya, ilmu yg dituntunt setinggi langit ni, x dpt menggunakan akal dgn btol. Kite sekarang ni sudah mcm kembali ke Zaman Jahiliah, zaman sebelum kelahiran Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. Dimana pd zaman tu, perkara membuang bayi  sudah menjadi trend @ budaya bg masyarakat arab pd zaman tu. Setiap kali ada kelahiran bayi perempuan, maka, ayah bayi tersebut, akan menanam bayi tersebut hidup2. Ini kerana mereka bimbang akan jika bayi itu membesar, dan akan membawa malu kpd keluarga mereka. Kerana wanita pd zaman itu diletakan di taraf yg rendah sekali.

Ada sahabat Rasulluallah yg menangis mengenang dosa nye semasa di zaman jahiliah dlu, dia mengaku telah membunuh 3 org anak perempuan nya. Dia btol2 menyesal atas tidakan dia, tp Rasulluallah menang kan dia, x pe, kerana itu dlu, ms dia jahil, x tahu. Skrang.. kire look forward ar. Nak bg tau nye, kt manusia ni, Allah dh guna akal fikiran, gunakanlah dgn btol. Dgn disuluh cahaya Al Quran & Sunnah, Insyallah kt x kn sesat & boleh berjaya di atas muka bumi Allah ni.

Jadi kat sini, kire Saidina Ali nye kata2 ni, mmg spot on ar, dia x ckp ilmu, tp dia ckp akal. Sebab sebanyak mana pon ilmu yg kt ada, tp x guna kan akal kt ngan btol, kt pasti akan sesat (plus tanpa Quran & Sunnah)

Renung2 kn & Selamat Beramal....

p/s disebabkan masalah teknikal, IRIIE 2011 tahun ni aku x masuk (aku sgt kecewa x dpt masuk, x pe2, ada hhikmah semua ni)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Hectic Week

As the week progresses, as expected, more assignments n project need to be done. It has been a hectic week n Ive spent most of my time, outside of mahalah (it is quite rare 4 me thou).

Setiap hari sepanjang minngu lepas, aku balik mahalah bile time dah gelap. Keluar bilik kol 8 pagi, matahari pon x namapak lagi (coz last week asyik hujan je pagi2), balik bilik pon, ble matahari dah x de. Isnin ptg ada kuiz need to attend n thank you to CELPAD kerana set klas EOP jam 5 ptg till 7 every tue - thur. Wonders 4 how long aku x turun riadah ptg2 nie. Rabu lak ada discussion 4 EOP (once again, la la la la....)

Kecuali electroceramic, semua subjek diz week, lecturer pakat2 kasi assignment (TQ Dr Napi.. heh), mmg terbaik ar, kasi byk2 lak 2. EOP ni lak, kna wt proposal la, mcm2 tol, FYP pon sama. Skang nie ngan bz nk wt poster lak, x pasal2 mdm supervisor ku,telah mendaftar kn kami masuk IRIIE 2011 clik sini (IIUM Research, Invention & Innovation Exhibition 2011). Kitorang x de ar semangat nk masuk, tau2 jer, madam dh daftar kan kitorang masuk. Madam siap wt target nk menang medal lak, ha ha, mmg ambitious tol dia. Aku je cm x confidence ngan projek sendiri. Ni peringkat local je, peringkat universiti, kalau dpt menang medal, leh ar pegi national lak, then international (ni kata2 madam supervisor ku la) he he.

Yup, diz week gak, pengalaman br yg aku ceburi, he he, aku jd buisnessman.. ha ha, aku g la tolong member aku jaga gerai asam kat sebelah masjid UIA ni, he he, dapat la upah sket. Pengalaman baru menjadi ahli perniagaan. Really appereciate diz experience, learn susah senang deal ngan mcm2 ragam customer, especiaslly org forener. Byk pulak dia tanya, apa jenis buah lah asam ni, cmne rasa dia.. ades, byk la tanya. Aku ckp," u can taste it".. senang. Ble dh rase, ada 2 muke berubah2 ble dapat yg jenis asam masam or masin sgt2. He he, aku gelak je dlm hati tgk dorang.. HA HA HA HA

ok... time nk wt asement balik nie.. see ya

p/s time bz2 nie pon aku dapat gak time g main ping pong semalam... huh

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Selamat Tahun Baru 2011

Tahun baru menjelma lagi, umurku makin meningkat, matiku makin hampir, amalanku pula, ntah cukup ntah tidak untuk dibawa bekalan menemuiNYA.

Tahun baru, orang akan cakap pasal azam tahun baru, elok la untuk beri kita target n get us motivated to do things daily. Everything we do must have an objective, is it right. Insyallah, tahun ni aku akan grade dari universiti tercinta ni, hopefully i could land a job before too long (i know it gonna be hard). Keep positve. Personally, I want to be a better person, I know we cannot make everybody happy, but I gonna try to make life better for other people. Sometimes, we need to sacrifice our self for other goods (its easy for me to say.. cube buat). But sometimes, we need to see the bigger picture on how we gonna to contribute to the ummah. I remember few years ago, when  I went to a motivation camp (dont remember exactly where) a word that still hangging in my mind " I MAKE A CHANGE IN THIS WORLD". Even a very small contribution you do in this world, it will give something in the end. Another words that I still keep in my mind "WHAT GOES AROUND COME AROUND, EVERYTHINGS THAT GONE UP, WILL COME DOWN". Life is like a roller-coaster, we the one that need to appericiate it.

Eh eh, asal aku cam berfalsafah lak nie, cakap pasal tahun baru je pon. OK la, semoga tahun baru ni membuka lembaran baru kepada kita untuk menjadi insan yang lebih berguna... Selamat Beramal.