Monday, December 27, 2010

Magazine Article

Couple of weeks a ago, I been task to teman my mother to renew her pasport at immigration office in Seremban.We come on Sunday, (only immigration office in state capital was open on weekned). Woke up early in the morning, n arrived there by 8.30. As we set to masuk the office, org yg jaga nombor ckp, dh cukup org, pasport dh x leh wt lg hr ni. Huh, how dissapointed am I. woke up early in the morning, tp x dpt capai matlamat yg nk wt. Kat dlm 2 ada ramai lg yg x dpt gk wt pasport, sabar je le. So, then we decide nk balik ar, but b4 kitorang nk kluar je dr pintu office tue, org nombor tue ckp, lagi 50 org leh wt papsort (mula2 diorang cap smp 100 je). Alhamdulillah ada rezeki, dpt gk wt aritu. Tp yg x best nye, nk menuggu giliran nk amik pasport yg baru tu, at least 1 sejam ( ni x termasuk tgu giliran nk buat pasport kat kaunter tue). Hmm, tp, thankz to my Ibu, she ask me "boring ke?". Aku wt muke boring je angguk kat dia, then dia kluar katn satu benda dr bag dia, rupenye, dia kasi magazine kat aku, soh bc. Ok la, leh ak kill some time drpd dok termenung jer.

My mother gave me Reader's Digest magazine, November edition 2010. There are couple of  interesting aritcle in this magazine that I would like to share with u all. First of all, article ni cm bes

Seven Pleasures of the Everyday World
  1. Wearing underwear just out of he dryer (best ke? not very sure)
  2. When cashier open up new checkout lanes at supermarket (totally aggreed, sometimes dpt cmni ms pg giant, lucky me.. ha ha)
  3. Intergeneratinal dancing (maybe ms aku dh tua nnt kot lol)
  4. Paying with exact change (possible, coz jarang aku wt... malas nk cari duit syling, he he)
  5. Fixing electronics by smacking them (totally aggreed, wonder how many item dh jd mangsa aku ni.. tv dku kat umah, mp3 player,vender machine kat sekolah dlu, n possibly my desktop
  6. High-fiving babies. (whaaaa, mmg cool ar kalo dpt cmni..)
  7. The other side of the pillow (mmg pon, sedap je letak kepale ni)
Then, there's other nice article that I want to share.

War on Terror Heats Up
In this article, the author wrote up about the Indian military may have a new weapon against modern terrorism by using, the world's hottest chilli. LOL The chilli called bhut jolokia. It is confirm by Guiness World Records in 2006 as the world's spiciest. It's grown in India's north-east for its taste, as a cure for stomach problems (obat sakit perut, mkn skali compem masuk jamban 2 3 kali) and as a way to fight the heat by cooling the body through sweat and evaporated heat as blood rushes to the face (dh la berpeluh, pas 2 muke jd merah padam... huh.. mmg pedas la ni). It has more than 1,000,000 Schville Heat Units (ni unit utk ukur tahap kepedasan cili),Cili padi yg slalu korang mkn 2, lbh kurang 100,00 - 225,000 Schville Heat Units aje. So amacam ada brani nk cube cili ni... dapatkan di pasar raya berdekatan. He he

Then ada je lg article2 lain yg best, tp ak dh malas dh nk taip ni, lain kali ar, kalo ada rezeki

P/S - Alhamdulillah, subject EOP aku dh dapat add gk 4 diz sem.. semuanya selapas 2 minngu bertarung ngan org2 kat Celpad, huh


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